website of Björn Taubert

Kategorie: Munich

Eisklettern | Kolm Saigurn

Letztes Wochenende bis einschließlich Dienstag stand eine neue sportliche Herausforderugn an – Wassereisfallklettern. Als Deutscher Aplen Vereinmitglied konnte ich einen solchen Kurs über den DAV buchen und war einer von 4 weiteren Kursteilnehmern plus Kursleiter, die im Naturschutzgebiet Hohe Tauern in Österreich dieses sportlich und theoretisch herausvordernde Erlebniss angingen.

Wasserfalleisklettern Kolm Saigurn

Also Unterkunft, mitten in der Goldbergruppe, diente uns das Sonnenblickbasis Kolm Saigurn welches 14 Wasserfälle in Laufentfernung sein eigen nennt (Topo Karte & Wasserfälle).


Munich :: Halloween

Buying a mid-sized pumkin at a local pumpkin field. Copying the outline of an Halloween figure to the pumpkin. Making a big mess while emptiying the pumpkings inner life. Cutting out the Halloween figures parts from the smaller to the larger ones – guided by the outline and with the help of special pumpkin carving set.

Cleaning up. Waiting for the dark and lighting up a candle inside. The is how we go for the first Halloween in Munich.

Munich :: Lightning & Thunder

Studies are finished, internships are take and the life of work is ahead. Bye Bye Ilmenau and Welcome to Munich. To be honest, this blogpost should have been written a couple of months ago but as you know moving to another city, getting to know you new workspace plus a ton of random things keeps you kind of busy.

The same apology I should address to pictures I have made during this time. A couple of them wait to be looked at, evaluated, brightened up and published at the end of the day. So here is a starting point – one of my first shots during a nice thunderstorm viewed from our apartment.

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